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    Pink-Ruby Fused AluminaPink-Ruby Fused Alumina
    USD $ 1,280.00 - 1,280.00
    >=1 Ton
    SHAN DONG JINCHUNTAI Abrasives (JCT Abrasives)
    White Fused AluminaWhite Fused Alumina
    USD $ 1,045.00 - 1,045.00
    >=1 Ton
    SHAN DONG JINCHUNTAI Abrasives (JCT Abrasives)
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    About Aluminum Powder
    Aluminum powder is the powdered form of the metal, aluminum. High-powdered machines spray molten aluminum to create droplets of powder. In its purest form, aluminum is a soft metal. But when it’s combined to make products like aluminum magnesium silicate , its strength is comparable to that of steel. Other products commonly mixed with aluminum powder include zinc, copper, and silicone. Therefore, powder-coated aluminum products are especially durable and strong. What is Aluminum Powder Used For? Aluminum powder is most commonly used to produce certain types of explosives and fireworks. Some companies also use aluminum powder to manufacture electronics. You can also find aluminum powder in certain paints and sealants. Coated aluminum products made from this fine powder are also popular in many factories and industrial kitchens thanks to their durability and shiny appearance. There’s also baking powder aluminum , which you may find in your kitchen cabinet. Traditional baking powder does contain small levels of aluminum to help with heat activation. Types of Aluminum Powder and Aluminum Powder Coatings Aluminum powder comes in many different forms. For example, dark aluminum powder is much finer than traditional powder, making the flakes appear darker in color. Dark aluminum powder is used to make torches, waterfalls, fountains, and flash powders. Aluminum oxide powder is much lighter than dark aluminum and almost white in color. Aluminum oxide powder is odorless and takes on different crystalline forms based on how it’s prepared. Aluminum wheel powder coating is extremely popular for protecting vehicle wheels and rims from wear and tear. The surface of the rims is covered in powder-coated aluminum and then heat-cured and sealed. Most aluminum wheel powder coating contains other elements like pigments, risen, and leveling agents. A polished aluminum powder coat is resistant to scratches, fading, and chipping, giving items a long-lasting finish. Tradechina.com has many different types of aluminum powder for sale in bulk and at affordable prices.


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